Need insurance for your auto service business?

Our team of industry experts is here to help. Whether you service, sell, repair, and everything in between, we are here to help businesses throughout the auto service industry get insurance quotes for the coverages they need to manage risk and stay in business.

We'll shop for you and provide multiple insurance quotes

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The rates I got are great. Service has been excellent. The coverage is better than I've had in the past. I am well-satisfied.

– Robert

We can help you get insurance rates for a variety of auto services

Our team of insurance experts specializes in working with companies in the auto industry - just like you

  • Collision Repair

  • Car Wash

  • Auto Mechanic Shop

  • Auto Detailing

  • Auto Glass Repair

  • Transmission Repair

  • Brake Installation/Repair

  • Oil Change Shop

  • Emissions Testing

We provide multiple insurance quotes to compare for businesses just like these and many others. Get started now!

How much does auto repair shop insurance cost?

You’ve probably got a lot of questions about your auto repair shop insurance, and one of the biggest questions weighing on your mind might be this: how much does auto garage insurance cost? To get the most accurate idea of how much it will cost to insure your unique business, it’s best to go ahead and get some auto shop insurance quotes. Many different factors play a part in what your insurance will cost. You might be a little intimidated by the idea, but we want to make insurance as easy as possible.

What risks do auto repair shops face?


Flammable materials (i.e. oil, solvents, degreasers, etc.) create a fire risk, so they have to be stored appropriately. Welding can also present a fire risk. Since auto parts can be targets for theft, it’s important to have good security, including lights, an alarm, and barriers.


Crime risks come from employee dishonesty and theft, either from safe burglary or holdups. It’s important to do background checks, and it’s important to monitor inventory and the cash register. To reduce the risk of theft, have regular bank deposits and secure the cash drawer.

Inland Marine

Inland marine exposure can come from accounts receivable (if credit is offered), goods in transit, computers, and valuable papers and records (for example, vendor and customer records.) Copies of valuable papers should be stored off the premises.

Premises Liability

Slips and falls are a big concern. Waiting areas should be provided and customers shouldn’t be allowed into the garage. Make sure the carpeting and flooring don’t have any holes or trip hazards. Mark steps. Check there’s enough lighting and have plenty of exits. If the garage is open after dark, there needs to be lighting and security. Keep the parking lot and walkway free of snow and ice. Since cars can be attractive nuisances, it’s important to have chains to prevent people from getting in.

Products Liability

Product liability exposure can be significant in case a car is not repaired right and an accident happens. There needs to be a check-off system so that the car isn’t returned before it’s ready and working properly. Reconditioning parts for repair can be a high product liability exposure.

Environmental Impairment

Environmental impairment exposure can be high because you have to dispose of oil, degreaser, batteries, and so on. It’s important to follow proper protocol for disposing of these things and to have a contract to dispose of these environmentally hazardous materials.

Auto Exposure

Auto exposure can come from company-owned vehicles used to run errands. (Check driver’s licenses and MVRs for all employees who will be driving.) These vehicles must be maintained. You also may have tow trucks. Renting vehicles to customers can also present auto exposure.

Garagekeepers Exposure

Some of the customers’ cars could be damaged while in your care, custody, and control. Don’t allow access to the vehicles. Keep the keys in a lockbox and have procedures to prevent giving the keys to the wrong person. Have plenty of security, including lighting, chains, and fences.

Workers' Compensation

Having the proper safety equipment for your employees is key. Risks come from equipment malfunctions (i.e. vehicle hoists), slips and falls, strains, hernias, sprains, back injuries, and even the chemicals used. Employees have to be properly trained.

How to get auto shop insurance in 3 steps:

Quick chat with agent

Reach out to our team by filling out our online form, giving us a call, or messaging us on LiveChat. Have a quick conversation with our team to talk about your business and your insurance needs.

Gather & Review Quotes

We’ll go ahead and get some insurance quotes for you; we work with many different carriers. You can ask us any questions you might have about the coverage and the quotes.

Pick Your Policy

Our team will be here to help with any insurance questions or concerns that arise. Now is time to select your policy and get the coverage you need for your auto body shop.

Get quotes for auto garage insurance

If you’re looking for auto shop insurance, we can help. Our team strives to help auto service businesses just like yours get the insurance you need at a great rate, and we also want to make insurance as easy as possible. We know you’ve got a business to run and don’t want to stress about your auto shop insurance! All you have to do to get started with your garage insurance quotes by filling out our online form or giving us a call.